Digital Route To Market

Strategy development for a global fashion brand wanting to use a digital route to market in a fragmented continental offering
Sector: Apparel
Service: Strategy, M&A
This global fashion brand wished to evaluate new routes to market across the African continent.
One such route was through digital marketplaces and it wished to review the African landscape with a view towards making strategic decisions on the opportunity to establish or to join potential e-commerce platforms.
Understanding global trends in digital marketplaces and the effect that these would have in the African context formed an important input to the analysis.
Simultaneously, the African digital marketplace landscape was mapped.
We assisted the client to prioritise and select attractive African markets to target prior to undertaking deep dive analyses of these selected markets.
Various route to market options were developed (build/buy/partner) for consideration.
Armed with the insight delivered by the engagement, the client prepared an investment thesis for Board consideration.